和氏草國際有限公司 https://www.ihomediy.com.tw/?blog=6732 登入


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本公司在台灣專業生產冷凍麵團,擁有最完整的銷售系統及生產經驗,為確保食品安全衛生,設有實驗室,並通過ISO22000 & HACCP國際認證,有效的控管製作流程,將危害因子降到最低,且投保2,000萬產品責任險,期許帶給消費者更美味、更衛生、更安全、更高品質的服務。
We have the most complete network of distribution and production experience in Taiwan. Our facility includes a lab to keep control of the production procedure and maintain lowest level of hazard. With a NT$20 million product liability insurance, we hope to offer the consu-mers with more delicious, hygienic, safe, and high quality products.

Our Characteristics: thin crust with a generous amount of green onions, strong fragrant, distinct layers with a crispy crust and soft filling.
Our Ingredients: With careful selection and inspection of ingredients, we use only pure vegetable oil, whole stalks of green onion, and same level of flour as DinTaiFung, and absolutely no chemical additives.
Our Market: We present our product in a unique form of handmade dough which is entirely different from the machinemade pancakes on the market. This increases the value of our product.

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