G.D. DORIGO spa https://www.ihomediy.com.tw/?blog=2000 登入


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GD Dorigo, active since 1975 as an artisan company, is, since 1981, a modern industry manufacturer of wooden doors, in the van in the sector thanks to the advanced level of the equipments and to the vocation for the research and innovation.

The brand GD Dorigo characterizes worthy products with a particular care to details and built with selected veneers; strong, reliable and lasting doors produced with the same attention of the artisan masters of the past. The most evolved technologies increase the perfection grade of the finishings that makes the door GD Dorigo a practical and functional furnishing system.

The certification according to the ISO norms confirms the top quality level of the production system and is a further guarantee of reliability for the buyers.

The market has rewarded the hard work of the company, that has been able to understand the change of taste and sensibility of the public with choices favourably appreciated.

The decision to enter resolutely in the design universe is a confirmation of the ability to extend and diversify the proposals, intercepting the emerging tendencies in the décor and in the architecture; an orientation impressed for ever in the genetic code of the company.

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