佳賀精機股份有限公司 https://www.ihomediy.com.tw/?blog=18263 登入


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Autogrip Machinery Company Ltd. is a Taiwanese specialist with aim on manufacturing high rigidity and high precision products such as Power Chuck, Rotary Cylinder and Collet Chuck. Since 1989, we provide a complete set of 50 inch and under series such as Rotary Joints and Valves for cutting fluid, Facing Heads and Synchronous Clamps. We make various types of Collet Chuck, as well as special use Chucks and Rotary Cylinders. Autogrip is presently developing an Extra Large Chuck series slated for global market in the near future. We endeavor to satisfy and take care of the highest customer needs.


佳贺精机在产品的研发及品质的提升上始终不遗余力,秉持产品Great Rigidity and Infallible Precision两大特性,于2008年起以全新品牌AUTOGRIP固力普面世,不但在客户之间な受好评及信赖,也陆续通过SGS CE安全认证、ISO9001国际品质认证。近年销售成绩持续大幅成长,足迹遍及台湾及大陆外,更拓展至多个欧盟及中南美洲国家,并逐渐在其他各地大放异彩。

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